Adoniram Mark No 552
20th March 2013
Wednesday the 20th March 2013 was the date of the election meeting of West Lancashire Provincial Officers Adoniram Mark Lodge, No 552.
The brethren wait patiently to be admitted
The meeting was opened by the Master V.W.Bro. William Richard Seddon, PGJO, with his usual aplomb. Who, after the minutes of the November Installation Meeting had been approved, invested those who weren't present at the Installation Meeting.
The next business was a lecture of The Mark Master Masons Degree, which was delivered in an exemplary manner by W.Bro. Brian Davey, PGSD. The brethren acknowledge the superb delivery with acclaim.

The Election of the Master for the ensuing year proved in favour of W.Bro. Ian Douglas Nairn, PGSD, Asst.PGM. 

W.Bro. Maurice Evans, PGSD, V.W.Bro. Stuart Cowburn, PGJO & W.Bro. Mel Cross, P.G.Std.B. were re-elected as Treasurer, Charity Steward and Tyler respectively.
After closing the meeting the Master accompanied his distinguished colleagues to a social board befitting the occasion and time of day.
The Master and PGM take wine with the brethren
The PGM 'networks'
W.Bro. Ian Nairn, (Master Elect)
The PGM checks his notes
The tables are cleared
Our very own R.W. Bro. Tom Jackson G.J.W.
Lodge SW
Report and photographs by Mike Beesley P.Prov.G.Reg. 'webmaster'